Saturday, April 3, 2010

Rings for you. Rings for me.

I'm a little obssesed with rings. Every shape, color, size... I just love rings, they are one of my favourite accesories and I needed to make a post with the coolest rings I have ever seen.

The steak ring

The geek rings

The compass ring

The black diamond snake ring

The arrow ring

The bow ring
The headphones ring

The screw ring

The caracol ring

The artistic ring

The waves ring
The Alexander McQueen ring

The goldenfish ring

The fruit ring

The flower pot ring

Thw cougar ring

The computer chip ring

The revolver ring

The pacman rings

The octopus ring

-"When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place"-


  1. those rings are amazing!!! you must have gone through great lengths to collect all these images. can't decide which is my fav. probably the McQueen since i have a necklace that matches(not by McQueen tho)

  2. ok, seriously awesome, i had to see them more than once.

  3. Hahahaha!
    They´re really funny!
    Visit my spanish blog,

    Where I also sell my closet.....
